Attorney Career Advice Podcasts
with Harrison Barnes Legal Recruiter

Resources and industry insights by our team.

Drawing from over 20 years as a legal recruiter and founder of BCG Attorney Search, Harrison Barnes explores the culture and character of law firms, how to move in and out of them, and how to rise, thrive, and sustain a career. These podcasts offer advice for both Partners and those still on the path.

Featured Podcasts

How to Become Extremely Rich Practicing Law

Many attorneys go into the practice of law with the idea of making a lot of money. The purpose of this podcast is to tell you ....

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Ten Reasons You Will Never Be in Control Over Your Legal Career if You Work in ....

Many attorneys believe that if they do well in law school, get a good job and work hard, they will have happy and successful law firm ....

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Why Attorneys Need to be Exploited to Succeed

Something occurs in the minds of attorneys that prevents many from realizing their potential for success. They get hung up on whether they are being taken ....

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The Hidden Force of Ego: How an Unchecked Ego Damages the Lives and Careers of So ....

The happiest and most successful attorneys are often surprised when their success comes. You will do better when you stop prioritizing how things make you look ....

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Ask Yourself These Questions If You Are Not Getting Job Offers, or Not Getting the Job ....

Many attorneys feel angry or upset when employers offer them a job they believe is beneath their skillset or pays less than they think they should ....

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131 Podcasts